Were to Sell Your Apple AirPods?

Posted on 18th Sep 2019 23:38:56 in Wearable Tech, How to -

Apple has now released the Airpod 2 and will soon be releasing Airpod 3 

You may now be wanting to upgrade to the latest Airpods,

The question now is “what do you do with the older model?”

Yes you can try to sell them to a friend or sell them on Ebay. Just remember with Ebay there are advertising costs and hard work trying to take perfect photos, and then answering buyers questions and when they are finally sold, your will need to take them down to the post office and mailing them out.

The other option is to Trade them into Apple, unfortunately with will offer you $50.00 instore credit.


or you can sell them to a buyback company for a great competitive price

Before you sell your Airpods, here are the steps to get them ready for sale.


Put your AirPods in the case. This sets them to offline.

From your Iphone or iPad:

Go to settings

Click your name,  just under the search bar.

Scroll down and Locate the Airpods, click into the device setting.

Scroll down until you see “Remove from account” and click Remove. 

Now remove them from icloud

From a PC

  1. Go to iCloud.com and login.
  2. Click on Find my iPhone.
  3. Click on All Devices.
  4. Click on AirPods.
  5. Click on the Remove from Account.
  6. If you don’t see it, click on AirPods in the Top Center of the screen.
  7. Click on the X to remove AirPods.

The next step is especially important if you are selling them to an individual.

You will need to give them a very good clean 

  1. Use a q-tip or cotton swab to clean the mesh and microphone openings.

  2. You can also use a toothbrush or soft brush lightly to remove debris.

  3. And finally wipe your AirPods with an alcohol wipe, to disinfect them.

If your selling them to a Buyback company, all you need to do is a quick clean with a damp cloth.

sell my airpods are easy with CashAphone - Check out what their worth -